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Ta bort ansamlingar av föroreningar, produkter och hårt vatten från håret med Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Triple Detox Shampoo, ett milt schampo som rengör och återfuktar hårstråna.
Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Triple Detox Shampoo verkar magiskt på hår som är matt av uppbyggnad med en trippelverkande process. En kelatbildare extraherar molekyler av hårt vatten, medan sulfatfria tensider hjälper till att avlägsna föroreningspartiklar från hårstråna. En negativt laddad polymer arbetar för att minska uppbyggnaden av produkter, vilket fullbordar denna milda men effektiva detox av håret.
Berikat med återfuktande trollhassel och oljeabsorberande kolpulver ser håret renare ut och känns renare, och det får en silkeslen glans.
Viktiga fördelar
- Hjälper håret att bli mjukt, glänsande och lätthanterligt
- Rengör och ger näring utan att strippa hårstråna
- Lämplig för alla hårtyper
- Oljefri formula
- Kan anpassa användningen till graden av hårt vatten
Sammanfattning av kundbetyg och recensioner
I was first introduced to this shampoo when I raised concerns of washing my hair with hard water in the UK and was introduced to this shampoo and haven't stopped using it since. I have coloured fine hair that gets oily, I find that using this shampoo has helped with the hard water and I feel my hair feeling healthier and clean.
Rekommenderar denna produkt: Yes
Not for me
This is supposed to give a great cleanse to eliminate product build up but it did nothing for my hair. Matted my hair into an almighty mess that made it impossible to cleanse properly. Conditioner afterwards sorted this out but hair was not left in any better condition, despite trying a few times, to be sure.
Good not great
Interesting thing about this shampoo is its color, it is black thanks to charcoal powder. I really like it scent, it is like green tea and apple, nicely refreshing a bit sweet and clean scent that probably everyone will like. The shampoo foams well but not overly. I have oily hair, but this does not really help to reduce the oils, not keeps my hair less oily over longer period of time. Therfore I need to take one star.
Good for oily hair
I think detox shampoos are not for me because i have the driest scalp and I really can't afford to strip off further oil from my hair/scalp. I often don't wash my hair for at least 4-5 days (unless i workout) because that's when i finally get some natural oil. Overall i htink this would be great for those with oily hair/scalp
Not good
I didn’t feel like it properly ckeansed my hair, so it didn’t feel like a detox or clariying shampoo. But it did feel like it was harsh and a bit drying on my hair - which I’d put up with for occasional clarifying, except it didn’t feel like it clarified. I got excited for a sulfate-free detox shampoo, but the Ouia Detox is much better.