Taylor Harris Gives Us A Lesson In TikTok

Taylor Harris Gives Us A Lesson In TikTok
Space NK’s Marketing Assistant tells us how TikTok helps her keep in touch with beauty innovation and has become somewhat of a lifeline during lockdown.

Short But Sweet

Right now, it’s all about short form/15-second-long video formats like TikTok. If I’m not getting all of my info in 15 seconds, I’m not learning about the hot new beauty buy. TikTok’s advanced algorithm doesn’t pigeon-hole all my beauty interests into one category. It allows me to scroll through my feed and see plant care videos followed by new beauty hacks and then delicious sounding recipes I absolutely need to try that night (hello feta pasta!). I love the variety TikTok offers, and that I never need to click away or search for a new topic. I also have the attention span of a goldfish, so it helps that all videos are less than a minute.

How to create a ‘face-lift’ with makeup (need.) Haircare routines. Danish pastel décor. How to make your makeup last all day. Bending candles. Different eyeliner styles. Nail art (I’ve been a sucker for this one recently). Rice water for your hair. Madison Beer’s Vogue tutorial and The Royals – especially the Harry and Meghan interview – bombshell!

I love how quickly everyone is to react to trends on TikTok and how things evolve in a constructive way. It feels like so much more of a raw and authentic experience to beauty. One trick, routine or product will go viral, and everyone will try it, and someone will show you how to make it slightly better or weather-proof it or how it works for different skin types, textures, tones etc and there goes the continuous evolution cycle of improvement.

Lockdown Lifeline

Thanks to lockdown, everyone’s had the time to share their beauty secrets and I’ve lapped them all up. I’ve become obsessed with taking care of my body and embraced the benefits of body brushing. I’m now religious about what goes on my hair whereas before I wasn’t too fussed about haircare ingredients. I’ve started using – a leave-on treatment that works to repair damaged hair and split ends. I leave it on damp hair for about 20-mins. I’ve been trying my hand at ice rolling and face yoga, which have helped me fill the void of expert facials.

Who To Follow On TikTok

It’s terrifying when you first download the app and try to film and edit a video. You will undoubtedly delete a really good clip and then curse yourself, but practice makes perfect. Remember, like with any new app, there’s an adjustment period and you will feel so old and incapable at first, but it will soon become second nature. An insider tip: if you like a video, song or effect – SAVE IT. You will never see that video again otherwise.

For all of your affordable skincare needs and routine advice, follow skincare King Hyram (@skincarebyhyram).

What’s on Vi’s Face (@whatsonvisface) is a hilarious and super informative influencer who is a ‘no brand is safe’ kind of creator. She will absolutely tell you if a product is terrible… which I really rate.

I also love Amy (@bondenavant) for luscious haircare tips and tricks – she also tries out all the viral trends (cue rice water).

@allyoucanface has a video for every facial yoga need.

Posted: Tuesday, 30 March 2021

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