AW20 ISSUE Beauty Discovery

How Lockdown Changed My Beauty Routine

Few women have the confidence to say it like it is (on pretty much any topic), not to mention regularly posting un-retouched, full-body photos on Instagram. But Natalie Lee, aka @stylemesunday, has been doing both since 2012, and throughout lockdown her brutally honest, often hilarious stories kept our spirits high. Having spied her well-stocked beauty stash via social media, we were intrigued to know how her approach to self-care has changed during and post isolation. Presenting Natalie’s eight steps to skin salvation…


Natalie Lee


Tip 1: Find A Silver Lining…

Like most people, I missed eating out in restaurants and drinking cocktails with friends, but I did enjoy the simplicity. Prior to lockdown I was running around constantly, so the last few months have given me the opportunity to connect with loved ones and indulge in activities I adore, including meditating and taking plenty of long baths.

Tip 2: Take Your Time…

Being at home meant I had a lot more time to look after my skin, and I've noticed a huge difference. It's soft and smooth and has never felt so loved. Making the most of all the extra me-time, I regularly use face masks and eye masks. Gone are the days when I used to quickly rub in some moisturiser of a morning as I rushed about. Lockdown has taught me that a more leisurely-paced routine is time well spent.

Tip 3: Brighten, Hydrate, Protect…

During lockdown, I really embraced vitamin C as an ingredient and have been using Sunday Riley CEO Glow Vitamin C + Turmeric Face Oil, £ 34,00 every morning since. It’s followed by a hydrating moisturiser or oil, depending on what's closest to hand. I’m partial to a brightening cream under my eyes too, and since discovering I can’t get enough of it! A dollop of SPF face cream is non-negotiable before I leave the house and always has been.

Tip 4: Do It In The Shower…

The one thing that didn’t change throughout the lockdown was washing my face in the shower – it just makes sense! You’re already washing your body so why not take your facial cleanser into the shower too, and get it all done at once.

Natalie Lee

“Lockdown has taught me that a more leisurely paced routine is time well spent.”

Tip 5: Take Up Your Tools…

Rather than spending ages on laborious cleansing, any extra lockdown time I had was spent using my facial tools rather than simply staring at them on the shelf. The has been a skin- (and life-) saver. It helps reduce puffiness and, as I have a tendency to clench my jaw in my sleep, it really helps to relieve tension too. Another tool I’ve enjoyed using is the Dr. Dennis Gross SpectraLite, £ 87,50. I wear the glasses and potter around the house while they get to work on my eye area.

Tip 6: Leave Expertise To The Experts…

I need a professional pedicure ASAP! No amount of practise helped me. Meanwhile, I can't work out if I want to go back to waxing or not. I adore the feeling afterwards, but now that it’s been a while I'm scared about the pain. Also, I've given less of a sh*t about my body hair during lockdown, so I'm not sure it's worth it. Anyone else?

Tip 7: Seriously, Self-Care Counts…

There is no substitution for a well-rested mind, so take your self-care seriously. The solution looks different for everyone, so really ask yourself what it is you need. If you're struggling with knowing exactly what, spend 10 minutes everyday just sitting quietly without distractions and breathe. That's it, just breathe, the answers will come.

Tip 8: Organisation Isn’t My Strong Point…

There’s no denying it, I’m a maximalist when it comes to beauty products. I've got them in nearly every room of my house, so if I need a little extra something, I don't have to travel too far to find it. One day, I've promised myself, I will sort it all out and have set homes for certain things, so I know exactly what I have and where it is. It didn’t happen during lockdown, though, so you could be in for a wait…


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