As a blogger, business owner, model, mother of two and writer, some might question if Ruth Crilly ever has ‘spare time’. Admittedly, when we caught up with her this week Ruth revealed that it is a rare luxury and a night-off from the kids is even rarer.
That said, she has mastered getting the kids into bed and perfected her evening routine – and, just in case it might ever happen, she also has the dream child-free evening mapped out in her head…

On Getting The Kids To Bed…
Every night without fail I make sure they’re in bed by 7pm on the dot. And, that’s when they need to be in bed, eyes closed. I can’t deal with prolonged bedtimes; evenings are precious and I like to know that the time is my own so that I can unwind. Or work! Ha.
On Keeping Social Media Scrolling To A Minimum…
Most evenings I try not to work, but since launching The Night Feed (an app for new mums who are up feeding in the night) I have to do a bit of work every evening once the kids have gone to bed. I make sure that everything is running smoothly and the content is edited and uploaded. I am fairly strict on not opening any social media though!

On Never Having A Night-Off…
I’ve never had a night-off and stayed in, so I’m not 100% sure what I’d do. In all honesty, I would probably end up staying up until 3am looking at pointless stuff on Amazon. If I was feeling fancy I would like to think I’d spritz This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray and slather on some Aurelia Firm & Revitalise Dry Body Oil.
On The Dream Child-Free Evening…
If I did have a night-off though, I would go for a meal if my husband was also granted this magic moment! Otherwise, I’d probably opt for some wine and a meal with friends. I’m really lucky that I’ve started to build some lovely friendships since moving to Somerset two years ago and I really look forward to our time together.
On The Essential But Gross Tasks…
When I have a night-in I love indulging in all the gross stuff like buffing your feet. I like to use this really powerful foot file, it’s basically like a handheld sander for your feet. But, I do tend to go over the top with it and some weeks I find it hard to walk because I’ve sanded off most of my flesh. While we’re on this topic, I love cutting my toenails too. I like the noise they make when they snip off!

On Evening Skincare Routines…
In the evenings I cleanse thoroughly with a balm cleanser (Emma Hardie’s Amazing Face Moringa Balm one is a long term favourite) and then I go in with the retinol. I can’t recommend +Retinol Vita C Power Serum Firming + Brightening Treatment from Kate Somerville enough, it’s bloody amazing. I add a bit of Dr Roebuck’s No Worries Hydrating Face Moisturizer on top because most retinols make me a bit dry. I have numerous eye creams on-the-go; I love an eye cream, it makes me pat-pat-pat and pay proper attention to that area.
On Relaxing Baths…
My rule is to always a bath at night, shower in the morning. I never wash my hair in the bath, I just like to relax with Aromatherapy Associates Bath and Shower Oils and maybe have a face mask or give my cleansing balm and extra long massage-in!