UK200040588 5065015783022

Control & Chaos Whine + Grind

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Control & Chaos

Whine + Grind


$ 72.00
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Take me to the Notes

Perk up the sleep-deprived mind with this Control & Chaos: Whine + Grind scented candle. It brings together fresh morning aromas in a symphony that eases one into a day filled with toil.

With the expert touch of the Control & Chaos team, this luxury candle blends the smells of baby powder and coffee in sugary, musky notes. It delivers a caffeine kick to wake a sleepy mind, while easing one gently into the new day on waves of powdery jasmine and rose.

Lovingly made in England with natural wax, this product balances calm and control with daily demands. It provides hours of burn on a flat surface in offices and homes, spreading uninterrupted, pacesetting bliss.

Key Benefits

  • Blends coffee and baby powder to wake up sleepy minds
  • Tasteful packaging makes it an ideal gift
  • Up to 40 hours burn time for long-lasting experience
  • Made from natural wax
  • High percentage fragrance for maximum sillage

SKU# UK200040588

We fulfil internationally using our shipping partner Global-E, for information on the delivery and returns methods they provide in your shipping destination please click here for shipping or here for returns.

Discover and shop the range of Control & Chaos candles and their unexpected yet luxurious scents, exclusively at Space NK.
Fragrance Family
Fragrance Notes

Tap each section to discover the notes

Top Notes Heart Notes Base Notes
Top Notes: Coffee, Lily of the Valley, Aldehydes
Heart Notes: Rose, Jasmine, Ylang
Base Notes: Sugar, Vanilla, Musk


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