UK300054476 8772310091840

Hourglass Lash Curler

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Lash Curler

$ 41.60
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Create a stunning curl that lasts throughout the day with the Hourglass Lash Curler, a makeup tool for enhancing the eyes.

These ergonomically designed curlers feel comfortable in the hand and are simple to adjust once in use. As they can be reliably controlled, reaching the lash line is effortless, as is curling each individual lash without pulling. The opening of these curlers is especially generous, which means they are suitable for eyes of all sizes and lashes of any length. The soft silicone pad gently presses on the lashes to prevent damage.

Always use the Hourglass Lash Curler before applying any product. Start by getting it into position near the lash line, then press down with care.

Key Benefits

  • Ideal for enhancing the lashes
  • Soft silicone lash pad should be replaced every three months
  • Includes a replacement pad
  • Free from latex
  • Not tested on animals

SKU# UK300054476

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Innovative Hourglass, one of the most sought-after cruelty-free makeup brands, creates next-gen skincare and luxury vegan beauty products. You’ll find active skin products and radiant, transformative colours in textures you can’t wait to apply. Cutting-edge formulas and high-quality ingredients work in tandem to produce a range of coveted products.


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