US300026054 6170376614966

Surratt Highlight Brush

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Highlight Brush

$ 120.00
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This ingenuous brush is designed to dust highlight onto the high points of the cheeks to create an incandescent glow.

Key Benefits

  • Easy to use
  • Soft bristles have a feather-like feel
  • Gives a natural, glowing look
  • Easy to clean
  • Made from hand-tied natural fibers

SKU# US300026054

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Surratt was born in Japan, inspired by the design aesthetic and master craftsmanship of the culture—brought to life through New York sensibility. Surratt creates sophisticated, superior quality makeup and tools that deliver uncomplicated, pro-level results. From the beauty obsessed to the pro and non-pro alike, Surratt puts artistry at everyone’s fingertips.


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