UK200052956 9781735566795

Then I Met You The Little Book of Jeong

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Then I Met You

The Little Book of Jeong

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Build more meaningful relationships with the advice found in Then I Met You The Little Book of Jeong, a book by Charlotte Cho that encourages the cultivation of Jeong.

Supporting improved wellness, this book reveals how practising the Simple Acts of Jeong can help transform relationships for the better. Charlotte discusses how the Korean art of building deep connections changed her life and allowed her to develop a deep appreciation for the people, places and things that are most important to her.

Then I Met You The Little Book of Jeong includes numerous tips and practical ways that Jeong can be infused into day-to-day activities.

Key Benefits

  • Provides advice on building more meaningful relationships
  • Tips and practical ways to incorporate Jeong into daily activities
  • Written by Charlotte Cho, author of the bestselling The Little Book of Skincare
  • The Korean art of building deep connections
  • Develop a deeper appreciation

SKU# UK200052956

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Inspired by traditional Korean medicine and heritage ingredients, Then I Met You will elevate your beauty and skincare rituals. Shop Then I Met You at Space NK.


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